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Sunset? Yes - Ocean? No :: August 9, 2004
Sunset? Yes - Ocean? No    (click for previous picture)
Photo Friday - Sunset

That really is the sun, but the background is a water colour... This is a photo-blog, so let me show you how this was done:

I started out with a simple half white, half blue water colour:

Using a crappy old telescope with the eyepiece out, I projected the image of the sun onto the page and rotated it 180 degrees... This picture should make it clear:

Of course most people seem to like the real sunset that night, but no one said "art" was pretty...

Filed under: Abstract

Today's Historic Toronto photos:

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Or you can also see the set of historic photos by Toronto neighbourhoods here.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License by David Sky, 2004-2024.

This page includes microformat data (This photo Sunset? Yes - Ocean? No was taken at Just outside Port Bolster in Lake Simcoe, Ontario on 2004-07-01 )
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