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Flight 111 landscape
Flight 111 landscape
In memory of...
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seems Artless

In memory of... :: September 2, 2004
In memory of...    (click for previous picture)
September 2nd is the anniversay of the crash of Swissair Flight 111 in 1998. We were there last week and were very impressed with the memorial to the 229 people who died, and the countless people in the area who helped out in the aftermath.
Processed with Graphics by GIMP
Filed under: Art :: Halifax Nova Scotia

Today's Historic Toronto photos:

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License by David Sky, 2004-2024.

This page includes microformat data (This photo In memory of... was taken at Site of Swissair Flight 111 memorial in Nova Scotia, Canada on 2004-08-27 )
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